Lebitso la K'hamphani:Nanjing Tsebisa Lisebelisoa tsa polokelo(Sehlopha) Co., Ltd
Stock code:603066
Nomoro ea Booth:Hall 7- Booth K01
Kakaretso ea Pontšo
Seboka sa Lefatše sa Tlhahiso ea Bohlale sa 2023 se tšoaroa ka kopanelo ke 'Muso oa Batho oa Profinse ea Jiangsu, Lekala la Indasteri le Thekenoloji ea Boitsebiso, le Mokhatlo oa Chaena oa Saense le Thekenoloji.
The 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Expo e latela haufi-ufi sehlooho sa kopano, ho theha libaka tse 'nè tsa lipontšo: Industrial Robotics ho Hall 4, Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Applications and Solutions in Hall 5, Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment in Hall 6, Intelligent Control Systems in Supporting Indust Systems. Holo ea 7, e nang le sebaka se felletseng sa lisekoere-mithara tse ka bang 60000.
Mabapi le Ho boloka Boitsebiso
NanJing Tsebisa Sehlopha sa Lisebelisoa tsa polokelo, e le khoebo e thathamisitsoeng ke sechaba, e khethehileng tšimong ea tharollo ea polokelo ea thepaho tloha ka 1997.Leano la ntlafatso keRacking(khoebo ea mantlha) +Mokhoa o itekanetsengKopanyo (khoebo ea maano) +Tšebeletso ea Ts'ebetso ea Warehouse(khoebo e ntseng e hola).
Joalo ka khoebo ea mantlha, khoebo ea racking ea NanJing Inform Storage e lula e khetha thepa e tšoanelehang ka tieo, e sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele, litšenyehelo tsa taolo ka katleho ea eona e ikhethang, 'me qetellong e holisa melemo ea bareki.
Ka ho theha khokahano ea sistimi e ikemetseng e le khoebo ea eona ea maano, Inform Storage e tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa lihlahisoa tsa eona, ho ntlafatsa mohopolo oa Racking+Robot=Tharollo bakeng saLisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea thepa ka boiketsetsotsamaiso, fanatharollo e bohlale ea polokeloka katleho e phahameng ka ho sebelisa theknoloji ea rona e tsoetseng pele, e kenyeletsangtsamaiso ea shuttle mover, 4 way shuttlethekenolojiWMS, WCSjoalo joalo.
NanJing Inform Storage e atlehile ho sebetsana ka katleho le merero e ikemetseng ea 10,000 ea thepa le polokelo ea thepa, 'me e hapile lithoriso le litlatse tse tsoang ho lihlopha tse ngata tsa machaba,Itsebise racking ea polokelo, lihlahisoa tsa shuttle le stacker crane li na le likarolo tse tšepisang tsa' maraka lapeng le kantle ho naha.
Ke lebeletse ho fihla ha hao.
NanJing Inform Storage Equipment (Sehlopha) Co.,Ltd
Mohala oa thekeng: +8613636391926 / +86 13851666948
Aterese: No. 470, Yinhua Street, Setereke sa Jiangning,Nanjing Ctiy,China 211102
Nako ea poso: Dec-08-2023