1. MorekiIselelekela
Yangzhou Beichen Electric Group Co., Ltd. e thehiloe ka Phato 2000. Ka motse-moholo o ngolisitsoeng oa CNY ¥110 milione, e sebakeng sa Yangzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone.Kamora lilemo tsa nts'etsopele, e thehile mokhoa oa taolo oa sehlopha o kopanyang moralo oa matla, tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa, kaho ea boenjiniere, le koetliso ea tsebo ea theory le ea ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.
2. Automated Warehouse
- Shuttlemotsamaisitsamaiso
- Lboima ba 'mele ho feta 1000kg
- 1016 libaka tsa polokelo
- Ho boloka le ho boloka ka mokhoa o itekanetseng
- limithara tse 2.14 le limithara tse 1.8 le limithara tse 9.2
- 1 phahlo ea thepa
- Li-hoist tse 2 tsa shuttle
- Lihlopha tse 4 tsa li-shuttle le li-shuttle movers
The automated warehouse e amohelamotsamaisi wa sekepetsamaisoebile se sebedisoa ho boloka thepa ka boima ba terei e le nngweka tlase ho 1000kg, sebopeho le boholo bo tšoanang, le ka hare le ka ntle kaofela.1016 libaka tsa polokelolia hlongoa, 'me phalete e ka hlokomela mosebetsi oaho kena le ho tsoa ka boiketsetso.Bophahamo bo felletseng ba mokato o mong le o mong ke2.14 limithara, e ka bolokang pallets ka stacking bophahamo ba1.8 limithara.Bophahamo bo felletseng ba ntlo ea polokelo ea boiketsetso ke9.2 limithara, 'me tsamaiso ea lisebelisoa e na le lisebelisoa1 phahlo ea thepa, Li-hoist tse 2 tsa shuttle, Li-sete tse 4 tsa li-shuttle le li-shuttle movers, joalo-joalo bakeng sa ho boloka ka mokhoa o itekanetseng le ho khutlisa li-pallets.
Bokhoni ba ts'ebetso ea sistimi: ts'ebetso e kenang ea polokelo ea mochini oa shuttle mover ke li-pallets tse 25 / hora, 'me katleho e tsoang kantle ke lipallet tse 25 ka hora.
3. Melemo ea Morero
Ka ho kopanya lisebelisoa tsa modular, polokelo e matla le ho boloka othomathike le ho khutlisa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase ka ntlong ea polokelo lia phethahala, matla a polokelo le ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea ntlafatsoa, 'me boemo bo ntlafalitsoeng ba taolo ea polokelo ea thepa boa ntlafatsoa.
4. Melemo ea Shuttle Mover System
Mesebetsi ea tsamaiso:
- Shuttle e tsamaeang ka nako e telele, e pota-potilengmotsamaisi wa sekepe, 'me conveyor e emeng e otlolohileng e etsa tsamaiso ea shuttle;
- Ka motsoako oa modular oa lisebelisoa tsa yuniti, ho boloka le ho khutlisa thepa ho ka phethahala;
- Laola le kemiso kaWMSleWCSsoftware.
Matla a tsamaiso:
- E ka elelloats'ebetso ea lihora tse 24 e sa sebetseng ka botlalo;
- The shuttle mover e ka fetola lilae, haholoho ntlafatsa ho feto-fetoha ha maemoea tsamaiso;
- Metsamao ka mahlakoreng a mararo e ikemetse ka ho feletseng, e ka khonangeketsa ts'ebetso ea sistimi;
- Sistimi e senyeha haholo, 'me ka ho eketsa palo ea li-shuttle le li-shuttle movers, e ka rarolla ts'ebetso ea ho kena le ho tsoa nakong ea tlhōrō le phula;
- Khokahano e phahameng ea Logistics le phallo ea tlhahisoleseling e bonoa ka taolo ea WMS le kemiso ea WCS.
NanJing Inform Storage Equipment (Sehlopha) Co.,Ltd
Mohala oa thekeng: +86 13851666948
Aterese: No. 470, Yinhua Street, Setereke sa Jiangning,Nanjing Ctiy,China 211102
Nako ea poso: Mar-24-2022