Rack Rokiroki Aunoa

  • Te Utaina Rack Rokiroki Aunoa

    Te Utaina Rack Rokiroki Aunoa

    Miniload Automated Storage Rack is composed of column column, plate support, continuous beam, poutū here rod, horizontal tie rod, iri kurupae, ceiling-to-floor rail and so on.He momo whatanga me te tere rokiroki me te tere tiki, e waatea ana mo te tuatahi-i-tuatahi-waho (FIFO) me te kohi pouaka ka taea te whakamahi, ipu marama ranei.He tino rite te whatanga iti ki te punaha whatanga VNA, engari he iti ake te waahi mo te huarahi, ka taea te whakaoti i nga mahi rokiroki me te tango i te pai ake ma te mahi tahi me nga taputapu penei i te warou stack.

  • Rack Rokiroki Aunoa Momo Corbel

    Rack Rokiroki Aunoa Momo Corbel

    Ko te momo whatanga rokiroki aunoa he mea tito he pepa poupou, corbel, whata corbel, kurupae tonu, rakau here poutū, rakau here whakapae, kurupae iri, reera tuanui, reera papa me etahi atu.Ko te ahua o te whatanga me te corbel me te papa ko nga waahanga kawe kawenga, me te nuinga o te waa ka taea te hanga i te corbel hei momo taraihi me te momo U-maitai e ai ki nga whakaritenga kawenga me te rahi o te waahi rokiroki.

  • Rack Pupuri Aunoa Momo-Kurupae

    Rack Pupuri Aunoa Momo-Kurupae

    Ko te whatanga rokiroki aunoa momo kurupae he pepa poupou, kurupae whiti, rakau here poutū, rakau here whakapae, kurupae iri, reera tuanui ki te papa me etahi atu.He momo whatanga me te kurupae ripeka hei waahanga kawe tika.Ka whakamahia e ia te rokiroki pallet me te aratau tiki i roto i te nuinga o nga keehi, ka taea te taapiri me te joist, papa kurupae me etahi atu taputapu taputapu ki te whakatutuki i nga hiahia rereke i roto i te tono mahi kia rite ki nga ahuatanga o nga taonga i roto i nga umanga rereke.

Whaia Tatou