An hortatur litteras gratias!


In Evam ad FRONIBIVA Februarii MMXXI, certiorem accepit litteras gratias a Sinis a Southern Power eget. The letter was to thank INFORM to put a high value on the demonstration project of UHV multi-terminal DC power transmission from Wudongde Power Station to Guangdong and Guangxi Province(hereinafter referred to as “The Kunliulong DC Project”), actively mobilize resources to support the construction of the project, resolutely implement customer requirements, carefully deploy, well organize, orderly promoted, complete the task of production and supply Cum altum qualitas, providente solidum materia praestant ad lenis operationem de project

Project Introduction

Certiorem et Sina Southern Power eget coepit cooperari in MMXII et cooperari in XXV projects usque. In Kunliulong DC project nostrae cooperante hoc dividitur in tres sub-projects: Kunbei Converter Station Project, Liubei Converter Station Project et Longmen Converter Station Project.

"The Kunliulong DC Project is a world-class power transmission project successfully completed and put into operation in China since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a national key project for power transmission from west to east with a clear national energy development plan during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. This is the country's first UHV multi-terminal DC demonstration project. It is currently the world's multi-terminal hybrid DC project with the highest Voltage gradu et maxima transmissio facultatem. Est etiam quod sit amet mensura Sinis Southern Power eget ad effectum deducendi pars centralis committee scriptor "sex stabilitatem" et oeconomica et socialis progressionem.

Et Kunliulong DC project habet totalis investment de 24.26 billion Yuan. Est cogitavit ut in operationem et potestatem tradenda in MMXX. Erit perficitur et posuit in operationem in MMXXI. Per tunc, erit crescere channel potentia tradenda facultatem VIII decies billion kilowatt-horis.

In constructione Kunliulong DC project est momenti mensura ad effectum deducendi ad belli virtutis tradenda a occidente ad orientem et promoveam consummatio de mundum industria. Est etiam quod est momenti mensura ad animadverto meliorem destinationem opibus et serve practica necessitates constructione de Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao maior Bay regio. This is a major move to study and implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and build a world-leading enterprise with global competitiveness. Est de milestone significationem ad promovendos viridi progressionem, innovative progressionem, et coordinated regional progressionem. "

In project sita est in profunda montibus, aliquot horas eiciam a convenient translationem. In installation conditionibus difficile, in itineribus aspera et translationem et installation processus difficile. Nostri comitatu magni momenti project et mobilizes variis opibus in comitatu ad prioritatem ad constructionem project. Praesertim in praeventionis et imperium tempus de Covi-XIX. wth a high degree of political awareness, sense of responsibility, awareness of the overall situation and team awareness, we resolutely implement customer requirements, well organize, orderly promoted, complete the task of production and supply with high quality, providing a solid material guarantee for the smooth operation of the project. The Kunliulong DC project was completed and put into operation half a year ahead of schedule on December 27, 2020. The project has set 19 world firsts: the world's largest capacity UHV multi-terminal DC transmission project, the first UHV multi-terminal hybrid DC project, the first A UHV flexible DC converter station project, the first flexible DC transmission project with the ability of self-clearing DC faults of overhead lineas etc.

Haec epistula agens de Sinis australi potestas eget, adducere certiorem non solum movere, sed etiam consolatione et calcar. Certiorem erit permanere vivere ad exspectationem, active implere suum socialis officia, adhaerere ad technology et applicationem innovation, et auxilium conatibus et customers ad consequi smarter productio et vita cum continuously emendatores et officia, et intelligentes technology, products et servicia?

Post tempus: May-06-2021

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